Depository institution

JSC "СB "GLOBUS" offers services for opening securities accounts and servicing transactions with them.

The depository institution of JSC "СB "GLOBUS" provides a full range of depository services to legal entities of all forms of ownership, as well as to individuals:
    • Opening securities accounts: for legal entities and individuals, residents and non-residents, both directly and through an account manager;
    • Servicing securities transactions on securities accounts: crediting and debiting, transferring and moving, delivery of securities against payment, restricting securities in circulation;
    • Storing all types of securities;
    • Servicing issuer transactions with securities: opening accounts for investors, placing securities issues on accounts;
    • Information services: providing depositors with statements, certificates, and other information regarding securities on the account, monitoring corporate actions of Ukrainian companies, preparing accounting registers;
    • Representation at shareholder meetings: representing the interests of shareholders at shareholder meetings, proxy voting, informing shareholders about the results of the meetings.
JSC "CB "GLOBUS" provides services for servicing transactions with both corporate and government securities. 

Depositing securities in the depository institution will ensure:

  • quick and timely delivery and receipt of securities;
  • reduction of risks of non-delivery or non-receipt of securities;
  • a fast and convenient way to pledge securities when obtaining a loan;
  • informing clients and reflecting issuer transactions on accounts regarding securities issued by them. 

For more detailed information about the services and tariffs of Globus Bank as a depository institution, please contact the depository activity management at 044-585-06-47, email: and our specialists will assist you in resolving your financial issues.

The name of the joint -stock company EDRPOU code of joint -stock company Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message Date of placement of information
АТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ" 14309866 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 09.06.2024
АТ "ЗАВОД "ТОЧМАШ" 19277566 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 08.30.2024
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" 14229456 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 08.29.2024
ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС" 02772037 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 08.16.2024
ПрАТ "Красненський комбінат хлібопродуктів" 00952060 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 08.16.2024
ПрАТ "КОРОСТИШІВСЬКИЙ ГРАНІТНИЙ КАР'ЄР" 03343781 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 08.13.2024
ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО" 22927045 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 08.09.2024
ПрАТ "САХНОВЩИНСЬКЕ ІМЕНІ М.О. КЛЮЧКИ" 00851198 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 08.05.2024
ПрАТ "ДНІПРОВСЬКИЙ МЕТАЛУРГІЙНИЙ ЗАВОД" 05393056 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 07.29.2024
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" 14229456 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 07.22.2024
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" 14229456 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 07.22.2024
ПрАТ "Чернівецький радіотехнічний завод" 14314682 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 07.19.2024
ПрАТ "РЕШЕТИЛІВСЬКА СІЛЬГОСПХІМІЯ" 05487165 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 07.17.2024
ПрАТ "Попільнянське міжрайонне підприємство "Сортнасіннєовоч" 00492167 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 07.05.2024
ПрАТ "КАТРАН" 05748878 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 06.27.2024
АТ "КОСТРИЖІВСЬКИЙ КОМБІНАТ БУДІВЕЛЬНИХ МАТЕРІАЛІВ" 05383282 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 06.20.2024
ПрАТ "Акціонерна компанія "Київводоканал" 03327664 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 06.13.2024
АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС" 21672206 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 06.12.2024
ПрАТ "ЗАПОРІЗЬКИЙ АБРАЗИВНИЙ КОМБІНАТ" 00222226 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.22.2024
ПрАТ "ПОЛТАВАПЛЕМСЕРВІС" 00703167 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.16.2024
АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ" 20262860 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.10.2024
АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ" 20262860 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.10.2024
АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА" 36184092 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.10.2024
ПрАТ "Запорізький кабельний завод" 05755625 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.06.2024
АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА" 36184092 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.03.2024
ПрАТ "БЕЗБОРОДЬКІВСЬКА АГРО-ВИРОБНИЧО КОМЕРЦІЙНА ФІРМА" 04833381 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.01.2024
ПрАТ "Чернігівське автотранспортне підприємство 17462" 03119658 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 05.01.2024
АТ "ТЕРНОПІЛЬОБЛЕНЕРГО" 00130725 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.22.2024
АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС" 21672206 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.18.2024
ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО" 22927045 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.16.2024
ПрАТ "Туристичний комплекс "Черемош" 02574248 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.16.2024
ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС" 02772037 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.16.2024
ПрАТ "АТП-1" 03746384 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.16.2024
ПрАТ "Пересувна механізована колона - 508" 01354289 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.15.2024
ПрАТ "ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ЗАВОД ЗАЛІЗОБЕТОННИХ ВИРОБІВ №2" 01268101 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.15.2024
АТ "Хмельницькобленерго" 22767506 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.15.2024
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" 14229456 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.12.2024
ПрАТ "Запорізький кабельний завод" 05755625 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.12.2024
ПрАТ "ЛЮБАШІВСЬКИЙ ЕЛЕВАТОР" 00955153 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.10.2024
ПрАТ "Балтське хлібоприймальне підприємство" 00955213 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.10.2024
ПрАТ "ДОБРОПІЛЬСЬКИЙ КОМБІНАТ ХЛІБОПРОДУКТІВ" 00957465 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.03.2024
АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА" 36184092 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.01.2024
АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС" 21672206 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.01.2024
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" 14229456 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.01.2024
ПрАТ "ЮЖНИЙ" 00413417 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.01.2024
ВАТ "Тернопільобленерго" 00130725 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 04.01.2024
ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО" 22927045 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.29.2024
ПрАТ "КОМПАНІЯ КИЇВЕНЕРГОХОЛДИНГ" 34239322 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.29.2024
ПрАТ "Харківенергозбут" 42206328 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.29.2024
ПрАТ "Акціонерна компанія "Київводоканал" 03327664 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.29.2024
ПрАТ "Єврокар" 30913130 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.29.2024
АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ" 20262860 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.28.2024
ПрАТ "Трест Київпідземшляхбуд-2" 04012721 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.28.2024
ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС" 02772037 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.28.2024
АТ "УКРТЕЛЕКОМ" 21560766 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.28.2024
ПрАТ "АТП-1" 03746384 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.28.2024
АТ "Харківобленерго" 00131954 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.28.2024
ВАТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ" 14309866 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.27.2024
АТ "КИЇВГАЗ" 03346331 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.27.2024
ПрАТ "Туристичний комплекс "Черемош" 02574248 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.27.2024
ПрАТ "Запорізький завод надпотужних трансформаторів" 13604509 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.27.2024
ПрАТ "Реалізаційна база" 05472092 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.26.2024
ПрАТ "Тайга" 13685175 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.26.2024
ПрАТ "Експериментально-механічний завод "Металіст" 05309512 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.26.2024
ПрАТ "Пересувна механізована колона - 508" 01354289 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.25.2024
ПрАТ "Завод електрохімічних покриттів" 14315799 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.25.2024
ПрАТ "Миколаївський експертно-технічний центр" 23083365 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.22.2024
ПрАТ "ЧЕРКАСЬКЕ ХІМВОЛОКНО" 00204033 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.22.2024
ПАТ "ІНТЕРПАЙП НИЖНЬОДНІПРОВСЬКИЙ ТРУБОПРОКАТНИЙ ЗАВОД" 05393116 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.22.2024
ПрАТ "Українська фондова біржа" 14281095 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.22.2024
ПрАТ "Завод "Артемполізварювання" 14315931 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.21.2024
АТ "Райффайзен Банк" 14305909 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.21.2024
АТ "Хмельницькобленерго" 22767506 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.21.2024
ПАТ АКЦІОНЕРНИЙ БАНК "УКРГАЗБАНК" 23697280 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.21.2024
ПрАТ "АБІНБЕВ ЕФЕС УКРАЇНА" 30965655 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.21.2024
ПрАТ "РІВНЕРИБГОСП" 00476754 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.20.2024
ПрАТ "Завод "Артеммаш" 14316190 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.20.2024
ПрАТ "Деревообробний завод "Явір" 19026166 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.20.2024
ПрАТ "Інструментальний завод" 14314794 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.20.2024
ПрАТ "Ірпіньмаш" 00240135 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.19.2024
АТ "Будівельно-монтажне управління по газифікації" 03335563 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.18.2024
ПрАТ "Київський дослідно-експериментальний механічний завод" 19130857 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.15.2024
ПрАТ "Березинський комбінат хлібопродуктів" 00955221 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.15.2024
ПрАТ "Промислово-страхова компанія" 24131636 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.13.2024
ПрАТ "Трест Київспецбуд" 04012744 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.13.2024
ПрАТ "Промислово-страхова компанія" 24131636 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.11.2024
АТ "МАРГАНЕЦЬКИЙ ГІРНИЧО-ЗБАГАЧУВАЛЬНИЙ КОМБІНАТ" 00190911 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.07.2024
ВАТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ" 14309866 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.07.2024
ПрАТ "Кременчукм'ясо" 30068026 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.05.2024
ПрАТ "Городоцький кар'єр" 00372121 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 03.04.2024
ПАТ "КОСТРИЖІВСЬКИЙ КОМБІНАТ БУДІВЕЛЬНИХ МАТЕРІАЛІВ" 05383282 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.29.2024
ПрАТ "Шосткинське хлібоприймальне підприємство" 00955928 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.23.2024
ПрАТ "Київзооветпостач" 00727148 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.21.2024
АТ КИЇВСЬКИЙ ЗАВОД РЕАКТИВІВ, ІНДИКАТОРІВ ТА АНАЛІТИЧНИХ ПРЕПАРАТІВ "РІАП" 05761293 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.20.2024
ПрАТ "БУД.ТРАНС" 32250695 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.14.2024
АТ "Харківобленерго" 00131954 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.09.2024
ПрАТ "ЧЕРКАСЬКЕ ХІМВОЛОКНО" 00204033 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.09.2024
ПрАТ "Спецбудмеханізація" 21320105 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.08.2024
ПрАТ "Криворізьке рибоводне сільськогосподарське підприємство" 13453750 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 02.02.2024
ПАТ "ЖИДАЧІВСЬКИЙ ЦЕЛЮЛОЗНО-ПАПЕРОВИЙ КОМБІНАТ" 00278801 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 01.26.2024
ПрАТ "КОНТУР" 24582123 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 01.22.2024
ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО" 22927045 You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. 01.19.2024
Date of placement of information: 09.06.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14309866
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 08.30.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ЗАВОД "ТОЧМАШ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 19277566
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 08.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 08.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02772037
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 08.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Красненський комбінат хлібопродуктів"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00952060
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 08.13.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КОРОСТИШІВСЬКИЙ ГРАНІТНИЙ КАР'ЄР"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03343781
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 08.09.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22927045
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 08.05.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "САХНОВЩИНСЬКЕ ІМЕНІ М.О. КЛЮЧКИ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00851198
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 07.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ДНІПРОВСЬКИЙ МЕТАЛУРГІЙНИЙ ЗАВОД"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05393056
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 07.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 07.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 07.19.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Чернівецький радіотехнічний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14314682
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 07.17.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "РЕШЕТИЛІВСЬКА СІЛЬГОСПХІМІЯ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05487165
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 07.05.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Попільнянське міжрайонне підприємство "Сортнасіннєовоч"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00492167
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 06.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КАТРАН"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05748878
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 06.20.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05383282
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 06.13.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Акціонерна компанія "Київводоканал"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03327664
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 06.12.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21672206
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЗАПОРІЗЬКИЙ АБРАЗИВНИЙ КОМБІНАТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00222226
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ПОЛТАВАПЛЕМСЕРВІС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00703167
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 20262860
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 20262860
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 36184092
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.06.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Запорізький кабельний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05755625
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.03.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 36184092
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.01.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 04833381
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 05.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Чернігівське автотранспортне підприємство 17462"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03119658
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ТЕРНОПІЛЬОБЛЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00130725
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.18.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21672206
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22927045
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Туристичний комплекс "Черемош"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02574248
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02772037
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "АТП-1"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03746384
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Пересувна механізована колона - 508"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 01354289
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ЗАВОД ЗАЛІЗОБЕТОННИХ ВИРОБІВ №2"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 01268101
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Хмельницькобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22767506
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.12.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.12.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Запорізький кабельний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05755625
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЛЮБАШІВСЬКИЙ ЕЛЕВАТОР"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00955153
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Балтське хлібоприймальне підприємство"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00955213
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.03.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ДОБРОПІЛЬСЬКИЙ КОМБІНАТ ХЛІБОПРОДУКТІВ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00957465
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 36184092
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21672206
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЮЖНИЙ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00413417
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ВАТ "Тернопільобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00130725
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22927045
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КОМПАНІЯ КИЇВЕНЕРГОХОЛДИНГ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 34239322
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Харківенергозбут"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 42206328
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Акціонерна компанія "Київводоканал"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03327664
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Єврокар"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 30913130
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 20262860
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Трест Київпідземшляхбуд-2"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 04012721
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02772037
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "УКРТЕЛЕКОМ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21560766
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "АТП-1"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03746384
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Харківобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00131954
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ВАТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14309866
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "КИЇВГАЗ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03346331
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Туристичний комплекс "Черемош"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02574248
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Запорізький завод надпотужних трансформаторів"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 13604509
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.26.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Реалізаційна база"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05472092
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.26.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Тайга"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 13685175
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.26.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Експериментально-механічний завод "Металіст"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05309512
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.25.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Пересувна механізована колона - 508"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 01354289
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.25.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Завод електрохімічних покриттів"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14315799
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Миколаївський експертно-технічний центр"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 23083365
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЧЕРКАСЬКЕ ХІМВОЛОКНО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00204033
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.22.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05393116
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Українська фондова біржа"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14281095
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Завод "Артемполізварювання"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14315931
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Райффайзен Банк"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14305909
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Хмельницькобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22767506
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ АКЦІОНЕРНИЙ БАНК "УКРГАЗБАНК"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 23697280
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "АБІНБЕВ ЕФЕС УКРАЇНА"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 30965655
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.20.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "РІВНЕРИБГОСП"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00476754
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.20.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Завод "Артеммаш"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14316190
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.20.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Деревообробний завод "Явір"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 19026166
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.20.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Інструментальний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14314794
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.19.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Ірпіньмаш"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00240135
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.18.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Будівельно-монтажне управління по газифікації"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03335563
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Київський дослідно-експериментальний механічний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 19130857
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Березинський комбінат хлібопродуктів"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00955221
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.13.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Промислово-страхова компанія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 24131636
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.13.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Трест Київспецбуд"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 04012744
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.11.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Промислово-страхова компанія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 24131636
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.07.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00190911
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.07.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ВАТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14309866
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.05.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Кременчукм'ясо"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 30068026
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 03.04.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Городоцький кар'єр"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00372121
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.29.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05383282
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.23.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Шосткинське хлібоприймальне підприємство"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00955928
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Київзооветпостач"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00727148
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.20.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05761293
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.14.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "БУД.ТРАНС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 32250695
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.09.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Харківобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00131954
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.09.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЧЕРКАСЬКЕ ХІМВОЛОКНО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00204033
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.08.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Спецбудмеханізація"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21320105
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 02.02.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Криворізьке рибоводне сільськогосподарське підприємство"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 13453750
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 01.26.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЖИДАЧІВСЬКИЙ ЦЕЛЮЛОЗНО-ПАПЕРОВИЙ КОМБІНАТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00278801
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 01.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КОНТУР"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 24582123
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.
Date of placement of information: 01.19.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22927045
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link.