The name of the joint -stock company | EDRPOU code of joint -stock company | Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message | Date of placement of information |
АТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ" | 14309866 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 09.06.2024 |
АТ "ЗАВОД "ТОЧМАШ" | 19277566 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 08.30.2024 |
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" | 14229456 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 08.29.2024 |
ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС" | 02772037 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 08.16.2024 |
ПрАТ "Красненський комбінат хлібопродуктів" | 00952060 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 08.16.2024 |
ПрАТ "КОРОСТИШІВСЬКИЙ ГРАНІТНИЙ КАР'ЄР" | 03343781 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 08.13.2024 |
ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО" | 22927045 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 08.09.2024 |
ПрАТ "САХНОВЩИНСЬКЕ ІМЕНІ М.О. КЛЮЧКИ" | 00851198 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 08.05.2024 |
ПрАТ "ДНІПРОВСЬКИЙ МЕТАЛУРГІЙНИЙ ЗАВОД" | 05393056 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 07.29.2024 |
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" | 14229456 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 07.22.2024 |
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" | 14229456 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 07.22.2024 |
ПрАТ "Чернівецький радіотехнічний завод" | 14314682 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 07.19.2024 |
ПрАТ "РЕШЕТИЛІВСЬКА СІЛЬГОСПХІМІЯ" | 05487165 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 07.17.2024 |
ПрАТ "Попільнянське міжрайонне підприємство "Сортнасіннєовоч" | 00492167 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 07.05.2024 |
ПрАТ "КАТРАН" | 05748878 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 06.27.2024 |
АТ "КОСТРИЖІВСЬКИЙ КОМБІНАТ БУДІВЕЛЬНИХ МАТЕРІАЛІВ" | 05383282 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 06.20.2024 |
ПрАТ "Акціонерна компанія "Київводоканал" | 03327664 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 06.13.2024 |
АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС" | 21672206 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 06.12.2024 |
ПрАТ "ЗАПОРІЗЬКИЙ АБРАЗИВНИЙ КОМБІНАТ" | 00222226 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.22.2024 |
ПрАТ "ПОЛТАВАПЛЕМСЕРВІС" | 00703167 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.16.2024 |
АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ" | 20262860 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.10.2024 |
АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ" | 20262860 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.10.2024 |
АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА" | 36184092 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.10.2024 |
ПрАТ "Запорізький кабельний завод" | 05755625 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.06.2024 |
АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА" | 36184092 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.03.2024 |
ПрАТ "БЕЗБОРОДЬКІВСЬКА АГРО-ВИРОБНИЧО КОМЕРЦІЙНА ФІРМА" | 04833381 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.01.2024 |
ПрАТ "Чернігівське автотранспортне підприємство 17462" | 03119658 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 05.01.2024 |
АТ "ТЕРНОПІЛЬОБЛЕНЕРГО" | 00130725 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.22.2024 |
АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС" | 21672206 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.18.2024 |
ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО" | 22927045 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.16.2024 |
ПрАТ "Туристичний комплекс "Черемош" | 02574248 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.16.2024 |
ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС" | 02772037 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.16.2024 |
ПрАТ "АТП-1" | 03746384 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.16.2024 |
ПрАТ "Пересувна механізована колона - 508" | 01354289 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.15.2024 |
ПрАТ "ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ЗАВОД ЗАЛІЗОБЕТОННИХ ВИРОБІВ №2" | 01268101 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.15.2024 |
АТ "Хмельницькобленерго" | 22767506 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.15.2024 |
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" | 14229456 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.12.2024 |
ПрАТ "Запорізький кабельний завод" | 05755625 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.12.2024 |
ПрАТ "ЛЮБАШІВСЬКИЙ ЕЛЕВАТОР" | 00955153 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.10.2024 |
ПрАТ "Балтське хлібоприймальне підприємство" | 00955213 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.10.2024 |
ПрАТ "ДОБРОПІЛЬСЬКИЙ КОМБІНАТ ХЛІБОПРОДУКТІВ" | 00957465 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.03.2024 |
АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА" | 36184092 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.01.2024 |
АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС" | 21672206 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.01.2024 |
ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія" | 14229456 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.01.2024 |
ПрАТ "ЮЖНИЙ" | 00413417 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.01.2024 |
ВАТ "Тернопільобленерго" | 00130725 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 04.01.2024 |
ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО" | 22927045 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.29.2024 |
ПрАТ "КОМПАНІЯ КИЇВЕНЕРГОХОЛДИНГ" | 34239322 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.29.2024 |
ПрАТ "Харківенергозбут" | 42206328 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.29.2024 |
ПрАТ "Акціонерна компанія "Київводоканал" | 03327664 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.29.2024 |
ПрАТ "Єврокар" | 30913130 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.29.2024 |
АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ" | 20262860 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.28.2024 |
ПрАТ "Трест Київпідземшляхбуд-2" | 04012721 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.28.2024 |
ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС" | 02772037 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.28.2024 |
АТ "УКРТЕЛЕКОМ" | 21560766 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.28.2024 |
ПрАТ "АТП-1" | 03746384 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.28.2024 |
АТ "Харківобленерго" | 00131954 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.28.2024 |
ВАТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ" | 14309866 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.27.2024 |
АТ "КИЇВГАЗ" | 03346331 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.27.2024 |
ПрАТ "Туристичний комплекс "Черемош" | 02574248 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.27.2024 |
ПрАТ "Запорізький завод надпотужних трансформаторів" | 13604509 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.27.2024 |
ПрАТ "Реалізаційна база" | 05472092 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.26.2024 |
ПрАТ "Тайга" | 13685175 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.26.2024 |
ПрАТ "Експериментально-механічний завод "Металіст" | 05309512 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.26.2024 |
ПрАТ "Пересувна механізована колона - 508" | 01354289 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.25.2024 |
ПрАТ "Завод електрохімічних покриттів" | 14315799 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.25.2024 |
ПрАТ "Миколаївський експертно-технічний центр" | 23083365 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.22.2024 |
ПрАТ "ЧЕРКАСЬКЕ ХІМВОЛОКНО" | 00204033 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.22.2024 |
ПАТ "ІНТЕРПАЙП НИЖНЬОДНІПРОВСЬКИЙ ТРУБОПРОКАТНИЙ ЗАВОД" | 05393116 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.22.2024 |
ПрАТ "Українська фондова біржа" | 14281095 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.22.2024 |
ПрАТ "Завод "Артемполізварювання" | 14315931 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.21.2024 |
АТ "Райффайзен Банк" | 14305909 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.21.2024 |
АТ "Хмельницькобленерго" | 22767506 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.21.2024 |
ПАТ АКЦІОНЕРНИЙ БАНК "УКРГАЗБАНК" | 23697280 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.21.2024 |
ПрАТ "АБІНБЕВ ЕФЕС УКРАЇНА" | 30965655 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.21.2024 |
ПрАТ "РІВНЕРИБГОСП" | 00476754 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.20.2024 |
ПрАТ "Завод "Артеммаш" | 14316190 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.20.2024 |
ПрАТ "Деревообробний завод "Явір" | 19026166 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.20.2024 |
ПрАТ "Інструментальний завод" | 14314794 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.20.2024 |
ПрАТ "Ірпіньмаш" | 00240135 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.19.2024 |
АТ "Будівельно-монтажне управління по газифікації" | 03335563 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.18.2024 |
ПрАТ "Київський дослідно-експериментальний механічний завод" | 19130857 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.15.2024 |
ПрАТ "Березинський комбінат хлібопродуктів" | 00955221 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.15.2024 |
ПрАТ "Промислово-страхова компанія" | 24131636 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.13.2024 |
ПрАТ "Трест Київспецбуд" | 04012744 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.13.2024 |
ПрАТ "Промислово-страхова компанія" | 24131636 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.11.2024 |
АТ "МАРГАНЕЦЬКИЙ ГІРНИЧО-ЗБАГАЧУВАЛЬНИЙ КОМБІНАТ" | 00190911 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.07.2024 |
ВАТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ" | 14309866 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.07.2024 |
ПрАТ "Кременчукм'ясо" | 30068026 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.05.2024 |
ПрАТ "Городоцький кар'єр" | 00372121 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 03.04.2024 |
ПАТ "КОСТРИЖІВСЬКИЙ КОМБІНАТ БУДІВЕЛЬНИХ МАТЕРІАЛІВ" | 05383282 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.29.2024 |
ПрАТ "Шосткинське хлібоприймальне підприємство" | 00955928 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.23.2024 |
ПрАТ "Київзооветпостач" | 00727148 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.21.2024 |
АТ КИЇВСЬКИЙ ЗАВОД РЕАКТИВІВ, ІНДИКАТОРІВ ТА АНАЛІТИЧНИХ ПРЕПАРАТІВ "РІАП" | 05761293 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.20.2024 |
ПрАТ "БУД.ТРАНС" | 32250695 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.14.2024 |
АТ "Харківобленерго" | 00131954 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.09.2024 |
ПрАТ "ЧЕРКАСЬКЕ ХІМВОЛОКНО" | 00204033 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.09.2024 |
ПрАТ "Спецбудмеханізація" | 21320105 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.08.2024 |
ПрАТ "Криворізьке рибоводне сільськогосподарське підприємство" | 13453750 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 02.02.2024 |
ПАТ "ЖИДАЧІВСЬКИЙ ЦЕЛЮЛОЗНО-ПАПЕРОВИЙ КОМБІНАТ" | 00278801 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 01.26.2024 |
ПрАТ "КОНТУР" | 24582123 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 01.22.2024 |
ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО" | 22927045 | You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. | 01.19.2024 |
Date of placement of information: 09.06.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14309866
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 08.30.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ЗАВОД "ТОЧМАШ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 19277566
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 08.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 08.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02772037
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 08.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Красненський комбінат хлібопродуктів"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00952060
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 08.13.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КОРОСТИШІВСЬКИЙ ГРАНІТНИЙ КАР'ЄР"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03343781
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 08.09.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22927045
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 08.05.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "САХНОВЩИНСЬКЕ ІМЕНІ М.О. КЛЮЧКИ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00851198
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 07.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ДНІПРОВСЬКИЙ МЕТАЛУРГІЙНИЙ ЗАВОД"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05393056
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 07.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 07.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 07.19.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Чернівецький радіотехнічний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14314682
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 07.17.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "РЕШЕТИЛІВСЬКА СІЛЬГОСПХІМІЯ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05487165
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 07.05.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Попільнянське міжрайонне підприємство "Сортнасіннєовоч"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00492167
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 06.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КАТРАН"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05748878
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 06.20.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05383282
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 06.13.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Акціонерна компанія "Київводоканал"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03327664
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 06.12.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21672206
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЗАПОРІЗЬКИЙ АБРАЗИВНИЙ КОМБІНАТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00222226
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ПОЛТАВАПЛЕМСЕРВІС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00703167
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 20262860
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 20262860
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 36184092
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.06.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Запорізький кабельний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05755625
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.03.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 36184092
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.01.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 04833381
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 05.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Чернігівське автотранспортне підприємство 17462"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03119658
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ТЕРНОПІЛЬОБЛЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00130725
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.18.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21672206
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22927045
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Туристичний комплекс "Черемош"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02574248
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02772037
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.16.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "АТП-1"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03746384
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Пересувна механізована колона - 508"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 01354289
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЛЬВІВСЬКИЙ ЗАВОД ЗАЛІЗОБЕТОННИХ ВИРОБІВ №2"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 01268101
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Хмельницькобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22767506
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.12.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.12.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Запорізький кабельний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05755625
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЛЮБАШІВСЬКИЙ ЕЛЕВАТОР"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00955153
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.10.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Балтське хлібоприймальне підприємство"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00955213
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.03.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ДОБРОПІЛЬСЬКИЙ КОМБІНАТ ХЛІБОПРОДУКТІВ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00957465
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "УКРАЇНСЬКА БІРЖА"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 36184092
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ФОНДОВА БІРЖА ПФТС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21672206
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Страхове товариство "Гарантія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14229456
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЮЖНИЙ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00413417
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 04.01.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ВАТ "Тернопільобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00130725
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22927045
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КОМПАНІЯ КИЇВЕНЕРГОХОЛДИНГ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 34239322
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Харківенергозбут"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 42206328
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Акціонерна компанія "Київводоканал"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03327664
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.29.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Єврокар"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 30913130
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "ОПЕРАТОР ГАЗОРОЗПОДІЛЬНОЇ СИСТЕМИ "ДНІПРОГАЗ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 20262860
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Трест Київпідземшляхбуд-2"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 04012721
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КИЇВСПЕЦТРАНС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02772037
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "УКРТЕЛЕКОМ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21560766
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "АТП-1"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03746384
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.28.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Харківобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00131954
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ВАТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14309866
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "КИЇВГАЗ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03346331
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Туристичний комплекс "Черемош"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 02574248
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.27.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Запорізький завод надпотужних трансформаторів"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 13604509
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.26.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Реалізаційна база"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05472092
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.26.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Тайга"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 13685175
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.26.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Експериментально-механічний завод "Металіст"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05309512
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.25.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Пересувна механізована колона - 508"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 01354289
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.25.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Завод електрохімічних покриттів"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14315799
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Миколаївський експертно-технічний центр"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 23083365
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЧЕРКАСЬКЕ ХІМВОЛОКНО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00204033
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.22.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05393116
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Українська фондова біржа"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14281095
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Завод "Артемполізварювання"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14315931
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Райффайзен Банк"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14305909
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Хмельницькобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22767506
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ АКЦІОНЕРНИЙ БАНК "УКРГАЗБАНК"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 23697280
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "АБІНБЕВ ЕФЕС УКРАЇНА"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 30965655
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.20.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "РІВНЕРИБГОСП"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00476754
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.20.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Завод "Артеммаш"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14316190
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.20.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Деревообробний завод "Явір"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 19026166
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.20.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Інструментальний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14314794
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.19.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Ірпіньмаш"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00240135
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.18.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Будівельно-монтажне управління по газифікації"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 03335563
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Київський дослідно-експериментальний механічний завод"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 19130857
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.15.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Березинський комбінат хлібопродуктів"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00955221
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.13.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Промислово-страхова компанія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 24131636
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.13.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Трест Київспецбуд"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 04012744
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.11.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Промислово-страхова компанія"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 24131636
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.07.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00190911
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.07.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ВАТ "ЗАВОД "КВАНТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 14309866
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.05.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Кременчукм'ясо"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 30068026
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 03.04.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Городоцький кар'єр"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00372121
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.29.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05383282
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.23.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Шосткинське хлібоприймальне підприємство"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00955928
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.21.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Київзооветпостач"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00727148
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.20.2024
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 05761293
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.14.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "БУД.ТРАНС"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 32250695
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.09.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: АТ "Харківобленерго"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00131954
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.09.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "ЧЕРКАСЬКЕ ХІМВОЛОКНО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00204033
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.08.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Спецбудмеханізація"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 21320105
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 02.02.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "Криворізьке рибоводне сільськогосподарське підприємство"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 13453750
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 01.26.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЖИДАЧІВСЬКИЙ ЦЕЛЮЛОЗНО-ПАПЕРОВИЙ КОМБІНАТ"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 00278801
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 01.22.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПрАТ "КОНТУР"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 24582123
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |
Date of placement of information: 01.19.2024
The name of the joint -stock company: ПАТ "ЦЕНТРЕНЕРГО"
EDRPOU code of joint -stock company: 22927045
Reference to a copy of the joint -stock company message: You can familiarize yourself with a copy of the message of the joint-stock company on the website of the Central Depository of the Public Joint Stock Company "National Depository of Ukraine" at the following link. |