Attention! Sending transfers from Ukraine via the system is temporarily unavailable in accordance with the NBU resolution "On the Operation of the Banking System during the Introduction of Martial Law" dated 24.02.2022, No. 18.
GLOBUS Transfers are a fast, convenient, and secure way to send money without specifying a particular address (excluding transactions related to entrepreneurial and investment activities). You can always provide financial support to your loved ones and friends, no matter the distance.
Advantages of GLOBUS Transfers:
- The transfer is non-addressed, meaning it can be received in any city where there are GLOBUS System service points.
- The service is always free for the recipient.
- It's quicker, simpler, and safer than sending cash.
- There is a bonus program that allows you to reduce the transfer fee
To send a GLOBUS transfer, you need to:Step 1. Visit a service point and inform the staff where and to whom you want to send the money, and state the transfer amount. For convenience, use your GLOBUS Client Card..
Step 2. Present a document that verifies your identity (passport or other ID) to make the transfer..
Step 3. Receive your copy of the "Transfer Application" with the transfer control number. Inform the recipient of the control number and the amount.
To send a GLOBUS transfer, you need to:Step 1. Visit a service point and state the transfer amount and its control number.
Step 2. Present a document that verifies your identity (passport or other ID) to receive the transfer.
Step 3. Collect the transfer in cash or have it credited to your account.
Transfer return
A transfer can only be returned to the sender if they have their copy of the "Transfer Application," a document verifying their identity, and only if the transfer has not been paid out to the recipient. A transfer return is possible in three cases:
- The sender initiates the transfer return themselves (the transfer fee is not refunded).
- The transfer was not collected within 30 days of sending* (the transfer fee is not refunded).
- The recipient could not receive the transfer due to a system fault (the transfer fee is refunded).
*According to the Law of Ukraine "On Payment Systems and Money Transfers in Ukraine"
GLOBUS invites you to implement the GLOBUS System money transfer service!
Your benefits of cooperating with the GLOBUS system:
- Transfers are possible in UAH, USD, and EUR.
- Transfer payouts are made online.
- Loyalty programs for regular customers, incentive programs for cashiers and operators.
- Connection of indirect participants.
- Automatic calculation of commissions.
- Commission income from transfer operations (sending and/or receiving).
- Increased customer flow.
Contact information: 0 800 300 392, Files for download