Compensation of interest from the KCSA

In collaboration with the Department of Industry and Entrepreneurship Development of the Kyiv City State Administration, a program to support small and medium-sized businesses in Kyiv has been established

Entrepreneurs registered in the city of Kyiv, whose production facilities are located within the city of Kyiv or Kyiv region, and who have been engaged in real economic activity for at least 1 (one) year, may receive compensation of the interest rate from the KCSA a rate of 99% of the interest amount under the credit agreement, provided that:
  1. Maximum nominal interest rate for financing borrowers is established by the credit agreement and should not exceed UIRD (12 months) + 9%;
  2. The loan amount cannot exceed 50 million UAH;
  3. The initial contribution must be at least 20% of the cost of the credit object (this does not apply to loans or credit lines intended for working capital replenishment and/or working capital financing);
  4. The maximum loan term cannot exceed 6 years;
  5. Compensation is provided to small and medium-sized businesses that carry out their main activity as defined in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Formations, according to NACE 2010: Section C "Manufacturing":
    • Class 27.11 "Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers, and control apparatus";
    • Class 27.12 "Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus";
    • Class 27.20 "Manufacture of batteries and accumulators";
    • Class 27.90 "Manufacture of other electrical equipment";
    • Class 30.30 "Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery",

and which carry out their main activity, as defined in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Formations, according to NACE 2010, except for those specified in Annex 3 "Types of economic activities NACE 009:2010 that relate to the main activities of the borrower that cannot qualify for FCP" to the Regulation on financial and credit support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the city of Kyiv, who have received loans or credit lines for the purchase of independent sources of electricity.

Decision of the Kyiv City Council dated September 21, 2017, No. 46/3053 "On approval of the Regulation on financial and credit support for small and medium-sized enterprises in the city of Kyiv.".