To enjoy complimentary services at Ukrainian airports, you need to make transactions totaling at least 10,000 UAH per card** with your Mastercard Platinum, in the last 30+5 days before your trip (excluding the last 5 days and weekends before departure).
For owners of new cards, a welcome period is available for 37 days from the date of card activation (without monitoring the amount of cashless transactions).
Airport Procedure
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers are available on
** For owners of premium cards purchased under the "U-Card" terms, there is no requirement to verify the amount of cashless transactions for 10,000 UAH. Exceptional transactions, operations that are not considered: 1) purchases subsequently returned or compensated; 2) balance transfers; 3) purchases using checks; 4) insurance premiums; 5) interests; 6) any fees and charges; 7) traveler's checks; 8) any form of gambling (including payments for the chance to win a prize); 9) any purchases in cash form, as well as cash withdrawals from an ATM.