Support for agricultural producers

Partial reimbursement of the cost of domestically produced agricultural machinery and equipment is carried out in accordance with Resolution No. 130 of March 1, 2017, "On Approval of the Procedure for the Use of Funds Provided in the State Budget for Partial Reimbursement of the Cost of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment of Domestic Production."

Reimbursement amount

It amounts to 25% of the cost (excluding value-added tax) of machinery and equipment included in the List of domestic machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex, the cost of which is partially reimbursed from budgetary funds.

Who can receive compensation:

  • legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose main activity is the supply of agricultural products produced by them on their own or leased fixed assets, provided that the specific weight of the cost of such agricultural products is at least 75% of the total cost of all goods supplied during the previous 12 consecutive reporting tax periods collectively,
  • for newly formed agricultural product manufacturers who have been in business for less than 12 calendar months, - based on the results of each individual reporting period.
To submit documents for reimbursement, please contact the Bank's branches.