Opening an account

By opening an account with JSC "CB "GLOBUS", you gain the opportunity to choose the terms of cash management services that best meet your requirements and the specifics of your financial and economic activities.

An account with our bank can be opened in both national and foreign currencies. This option is also available for non-resident legal entities. In addition to cash accounts, you can open an account in securities or bank metals.

By opening an account with Globus Bank, you will get: 
  • Prompt non-cash transactions;
  • Free crediting in foreign currency for the benefit of the Bank's Clients;
  • Purchase/sale of foreign currency with a commission starting from 0.1% of the amount;
  • Transfer of funds in foreign currency at the Client's request - with a commission of 0.15% of the amount;
  • Increased interest accruals on account balances - up to 10% per annum;
  • Withdrawal of income from entrepreneurial activities for IT - 0.1% of the amount;
  • Connection fee and monthly subscription fee for the "Client-Bank" system from 20 UAH ;
  • Financial consulting.

The individual approach of JSC "CB "GLOBUS" to each Client allows selecting the most advantageous account operation tariffs, depending on the specifics of the Client's business. 

Tariff Packages


Account Opening

Public Offer